Tucson Military Vehicle Museum
Experience a part of history

As one of the world’s largest and most diverse aerospace museums and having come a very long way since our modest start in 1976, the Pima Air & Space Museum is now planning to diversify and broaden its audience appeal to historic military vehicle enthusiasts.
Our organization is committed to offering STEM learning experiences and learning opportunities for all ages – but especially K-12 students. We admit free of charge, annually, over 28,000 K-12 school organized tour groups in our Education access programs and plan to do the same with our new venture.
With the recent acquisition of 77 acres of land immediately to the east of our existing parcel we have a unique opportunity to work with our existing museum partners to develop an exciting experience not readily available west of the Mississippi River – The Tucson Military Vehicle Museum and driving experience! While many significant private collections exist as well as notable museums - none are in the Southwest part of the United States. There is a huge regional audience that will find this type of museum incredibly appealing. By leveraging our success in attracting global visitors as an international aerospace history museum – we can now develop the same stature with a military vehicle museum.
There is a genuinely compatible audience overlap between aerospace museum patrons and different types of technology museums. More significantly, there is a strong attraction to exotic military vehicles in the general population. We are now on a campaign to raise $2.5 Million dollars to build a 32,000 square foot display gallery that will enable us to deliver the highest quality interpretative experience of the evolution of military vehicles of all nations from the early 20th Century to the present. With a lead challenge gift of $2 million, we know that with your support we can achieve our goal quickly.
Having been recognized by many donors as an institution that can be trusted with their aerospace legacy, we are able to partner with The National Museum of the United States Marine Corps, The U.S. Army, and The Imperial War Museum, Duxford UK to acquire in excess of 100 unique and historic Armored fighting vehicles representative of many nation’s armies. We are able to preserve, restore and display these artifacts in a dynamic and comfortable venue that will allow us to provide an exciting, immersive, and engaging visitor experience.
Please spend some time with the enclosed prospectus and you’ll see why we are so unique in the world and are worthy of your trust and support. We look forward to working with you as partners to make this goal a reality.
Count Ferdinand von Galen
Chair, Board of Trustees
Scott Marchand
Executive Director
Executive Director Scott Marchand gives you the scoop on the inbound attraction.
Become a part of history
Donate TodayUS Army Brotherhood of Tankers Tom McCreery and Chuck Sherman talk about this rare opportunity.